Saying it with flowers has never been easier…this beautiful little bouquet of glass flowers is the perfect gift. It will hang in the window to enjoy forever.
The bouquet is handmade to the highest quality, using the traditional Tiffany copper foil method – each piece of glass is wrapped in copperfoil, soldered and then polished to a high shine. They are made using genuine stained glass, so the colours will never fade. The centre of each flower is a beautiful little Venetian glass millefiori bead.
Comes with a window hanger. Approx. size 14x9cm.
Please note: the millefiori beads are chosen at random and may differ in design from the ones shown in the photos.
Horis and Doris –
The glass bouquet was a complete surprise to my mum when it arrived, perfectly presented and beautifully designed and created. As with all of Glassworks products, the attention to detail, the character within it and the joy that it brings when it arrives, is second to none. The professionalism, the creativity and the customer service cannot be bettered. The glass bouquet has pride of place on my mum’s kitchen window so she is greeted by beautiful ever lasting flowers, every single day. She says she feels like she has won the lottery! Bless her. Glassworks makes her feel like this and for that, I am eternally thankful.
Glassworks shop –
That is so wonderful to hear – really pleased your Mum loves her glass flowers so much! x
Sarah Ernest (verified owner) –
Not yet given for Mother’s Day but what an exceptional idea to have a bouquet to see everyday and change with the lighting. Fantastic value for money for a unique gift. Service and delivery exceptional too THANK YOU xx
Glassworks shop –
Thanks so much for your lovely review Sarah!